Webinar gratuit en ligne par Dr. Emeran Mayer, auteur du livre The Gut-Immune Connection

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Webinar gratuit en ligne
The gut-brain axis remains at the forefront of neuroscience research and continues to deepen our understanding of neurological, emotional, and cognitive health. Join us for this webinar featuring Dr. Emeran Mayer, author of the brand new book The Gut-Immune Connection and of the bestselling The Mind-Gut Connection, as he explains the connection between the microbiome and modern day chronic and infectious disease susceptibility.

Learning Objectives:

1. List three components of a healthy gut.
2. List three effects of chronic stress on the gut.
3. Describe two ways that lifestyle and mindset can impact the microbiome.
4. Identify the qualities of microbiota-accessible carbohydrates (MACs).
5. Describe the significance of the soil's microbial ecosystem and how it affects human health.
6. Describe the concept of the healthy-food index (HFI) system.

1 hour. 1 CPEU. Premieres LIVE on Tuesday September 28th from 12-1 PM ET. Click this link to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/714203588085289995